Your home requires regular maintenance to look its best as well as help you avoid thousands in repairs down the road. In this article, we will discuss the 5 items in your home that should be replaced every decade.

1. Plumbing

Every ten years, plan to replace the plumbing in your home in order to keep things running smoothly and staving off those hefty bills and nasty sewage leaks. You can call a water damage company to clean up the water if the leaks persist. If you can replace all of the plumbing, it’s recommended. But at the very least, replace the exposed pipes.

2. Paint

A fresh coat of paint every decade can do a world of good for your humble abode. Not only does it make your rooms look cleaner, but it also gives you the opportunity to change up colors and decor styles.

3. Carpet

Let’s face it – carpet tends to bear the brunt of the dirt and grime in each space. From spills to messy shoes, this is one part of the home that deserves replacement every decade. If you don’t have the ability to replace the carpet in each room, consider opting for hardwood flooring or even rugs that can be switched when fading occurs. Call a home junk disposal if you are going to dispose of your carpets at home.

4. Bed Accessories

Pillows and blankets used on the beds of the home should be switched for new ones at least every ten years. This is for hygiene reasons as well as to rid the home of excess dust and as well as pests like bed bugs. You should also consider replacing your mattress every decade in order to keep up support for your neck and back. Don’t hesitate to call a pest control service if you see bed bugs in your bed and whole bedroom.

5. Roof

While many believe the roof never requires replacement, every ten years is a good time marker to replace areas of sagging or excess wear and tear. Water trails that can be seen under the area of the roof also serve as an indicator that replacement is necessary. Maui roofs offer quality services and skilled contractors for your roofing needs.

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